Triangles: Aries Leo Polaris


Embodies three aspects of will

Influences direction and re-orientation of will energy in humanity.

Leo (and Dubhe):
the personal will
Aries (and Merak):
the will of the soul
spiritual will

Aries Leo and Polaris … are doubly connected through the medium of the Pointers. (EA 197)


Aries is… closely connected with the Great Bear but peculiarly so with one of… the Pointers

The pointer furthest from the pole star (Merak) is expressive of “divine will”. (EA 196)

The energy of the first ray … has been esoterically described as “unavoidable directed purpose”

Aries, in which the will to create or to manifest makes its appearance…

…then [after the influence of the other, Leo-related Pointer Dubhe is assimilated] the energy of the Pointer furthest from the Pole Star [Merak] begins to make its presence felt and a sense of right direction or guidance is registered by the disciple upon the Path, and such guidance (when followed) leads [us] nearer to the Hierarchy. (EA 195-6)


Leo is the sign wherein the consciousness of individuality is developed, utilised and finally consecrated to divine purpose. It is related to Polaris, the Pole Star … and it is peculiarly susceptible to the influence of that Pointer nearest to the Pole Star. (EA 196)

This pointer is known as Dubhe (see the Pointers for more information).


See Polaris and the Pointers for details about the threefold will as expressed by Polaris and the pointers.

Also see: Leo-Polaris-Pointer, Aries-Earth-Pointer, Vulcan-Earth-Pluto

Also see series D:

Esoteric Astrology: 195-7