Triangles: Greatbear Sirius Pleiades

Main source of rays 1-3

Lying behind the many interlocking triangles in our solar system and conditioning them are three energies coming from three major constellations (EA 415)

This triangle features in Esoteric Astrology as the primary source of the first three rays and the origin of all other triangles:

Before these rays reach our solar system and are stepped down by the Sun and then the planets, they are said to originate from these three sources. Because they lay the foundation for the appearance of the many lesser triplicities that occur throughout esoteric astrology, the ‘big three’ are referenced throughout Alice Bailey’s Esoteric Astrology.

They are also expressed though Leo-Capricorn-Pisces, Mercury-Saturn-Uranus and the triangle formed by the hierarchical rulerships Venus-Jupiter-Pluto.

Note: Sirius and the Pleiades feature in more recent “chanelled” material, following rather glamoured interpretations, where the meaning has strayed far from that intended in the original esoteric output of H. P. Blavatsky and Alice Bailey. However, like many other similar outputs it may have offered a “way in” to self-awareness.

1945-1975: the first initiation for humanity

While The GreatBear-Sirius-Pleiades triangle is the pervasive foundation behind triangles in general, at the time Esoteric Astrology was written, the signs Leo, Capricorn and Pisces were framed (EA 538-547) as a crucial temporary influence, peaking in 1945 and declining until 1975, as a specific instance of their general influence (EA 537). This important period enabled humanity to take the first initiation, as is evidenced not only by the widespread New Age movement—globally active across national boundaries—but also by the polarisation and struggle between:

These two connected trends are evidence that the challenging struggle between the “soul and the personality” is experienced by humanity as a whole. This early sign of the second initiation follows the initial rush or dawning of awareness experienced at the first initiation, and is therefore encouraging, despite the pain of conflict. This is stimulated by the precession of the equinox point into the constellation Aquarius, and the consequent transference of the controlling Ray 5 sign.

Esoteric Astrology: 415-16, 427, 435, 538-547